Dec 11, 2014

Project 4 Balance and Contrast

This is my favorite triptych I made. I like how all of the picture have a subtle difference but they all similar. I took this picture by having a 2-3 second exposure to get the movement of his head. I got Nigle to move his head by holding a peace of food and moving it up and down.

This picture I think is one of the more interesting group of photos I took in the last few weeks. I just took a picture of each utensil and then edited one and copied the settings and added it to the rest to create an interesting similar group of pictures.

Contrast in Texture
The chain and the ground contrast in texture. I also like how the chains color and the ground contrast in color.

The car is symmetrical. The lights all match on both sides and the car is in the very center of picture. 

 Radial Balance
The ripples in the water ripple out of the center where the duck are and radiat out.

 Contrast in Texture
This photo also contrast in texture between the close up of the concrete and the steeps in the background.

This diptych isn't as conventional its two photo of birds that I think contrast in color well and the close up verses the bugs eye gives the diptych an interesting feel.

This is my favorite of the two diptych that I have I like how it looks like one photo that is cut in half but is actually two completely different photos that flow really well together.
This kaleidoscope is a photo of a poster that had interesting look. I really like the plus pattern it makes in the middle I think it works really well.

This is my favorite of the three kaleidoscopes it is a photo of a carpet that had interesting colors and a cool pattern. I think the pattern really makes it look like a real kaleidoscope.

This kaleidoscopes is a little different than the other two. Its a photo of the skyline at dusk that I had a 5 second exposure and waved the camera around to give the light a spiral look. I also put 16 pictures down instead of just 4.

Dec 1, 2014

Examples of Balance and Contrast

Contrast in Texture By Jill Missner
The building and the sky are contrasting in texture

Contrast in Color By Cassandra Warner and Jeremy Floto
The paint and the background contrast each other 

Contrast and in Size By Cocu Liu
The man and the ball thing are contrasting in size

Symmetry and Balance by Camila Carlow
The two branches of the plant are symmetric 

Radial Balance by S.Morita 
The manhole crates radial balance with the blue circles in it 

Nov 12, 2014

Project 3 Color Moods and Grid

Monochrome Grid
This grid is several picture of a bicycle all positioned in a interesting way. I took each picture and made them square then I turned them all black and white to make them monochrome. Next I flipped the pictures to give them more of a mirror look. Lastly I flipped the entire picture over and it gave it a scaly look that I found to be interesting.

Warm Color Grid
This is my warm color grid. Its one of my favorites. I took a picture of red peppers and altered the colors to give it a variety of warm colors. I think the reddish pink and red really go well together to give it a warm feel.

Complementing Colors Grid 
This grid is a little more abstract, it's a photo of an Edison bulb that I squared off and enhanced the colors. The blue and orange are on opposite sides of the color wheel so it is very complementary.  

Cold Colored Grid
This grid is much simpler, it's multiple pictures of Nigel (my dog) that I used a preset on to give each one about the same feel. I gave each picture a little more blue and lowered the exposure to give them a cool feel. 

Complimenting Grid #2
This is one of my favorites also, its a small portion of the sky that I flipped over and made a grid out of. The Orange and grayish blue are opposites on the color which makes it a complementing grid. 

Warm Picture 
This photo is one of the best examples I have for warm colors and mood. The main colors in the photo are yellow and brownish which both have a warm feel to them. I also think the sun flare in the center of the picture also makes it feel warmer because its light from the sun.

Complementing Colors
This photo I was trying to show super extreme complementing colors with the red of the heart and the blue of the wall. It didn't come out as well as I had hoped but I still think it showed the polar opposite of the two color.

Nov 5, 2014

Project 3 Color Moods and Grid

Color wheel including primary, secondary and tertiary colors.

I think the colors in this picture really give you a cold and solemn mood. I think the reason I get this impression is because the dark blue in the picture reminds me of cold rainy days.   

Oct 24, 2014

Project 2 Framing and Composition

Close Up 
I chose this picture because I think the colors are interesting, they give it  nice effect. I also really liked the glare on the lens from the sun I thought it made the spider really glow.

Birds Eye 
This was one of my favorite pictures. I desaturated it, originally it was a little too colorful. I also thought the desaturation gave it more of a grim effect which made the picture have personality.

Filling the Frame 
The reason chose this one is because I thought the fruit where pretty and had a nice order to them. I also really liked the intense contrast of the stem and the blood red.  

Frame within a Frame 
This was looking through the side railing on the St.Johns bridge back at Portland. I darkened the inside of the circle so it was clearer to see the city. I also liked the dirty circle it gave the picture the effect of being old.

Leading Lines 
This is also one of my favorites, its pretty simple but thats what I like about it. I also like how the beams lead to big post.  

This picture I edited a little more than the others, I desaturated it and to make things interesting changed the hue of the blue to more of a pink/purple so now it has a different take on then the others.

Bugs Eye 
This one is a little simpler then most. Its the down tube on my dads bike, all I did was lower the exposure a little bit and turn it black and white I think it came out well. 

Rule of Thirds 
This is my favorite of them all, it's a picture of the three sisters in southern Oregon. I took the picture into photoshop and split the picture into 6 different pieces then desaturated each one by 20 starting at 120. The picture starts over saturated and as it goes across it gets less saturated.

Contact Sheet Page 1

Contact Sheet Page 2

Sep 28, 2014


I liked this one because the depth of field was pretty small and I also really liked the glass up above it. I didn't edit it to much just darkened it a little to make it feel more intense. 

This was one of my favorites I like how the rope/chain isn't in the center but its still in focus it makes you think about it more I also like the theater in the background. I didn't edit to much just a little cropping and darkening.

This one is very similar to the one above I also liked the depth of field on it. I also liked the green plants at the end it gave it some color which made it more interesting. I didn't edit this one that much I darkened it and increased the contrast a little. 

This is probably my favorite I like how simple it is and I also really like all the symmetry of the shapes its cool looking. All I edited on this one was cropping and a little lightening because originally the photo was a little under exposed.     

This photo I think is interesting because you can see both the front and the side and it is very vibrant and awake. I edited this one the most out of all of them I cropped added vibrancy and intensified the blue just to give it that extra spunk.

This one I think is very simple which is why I like it, its just plain and interesting. It also looks very urban and a little run down which makes you think about what its history may of been like. I didnt edit this one to much I had an effect on when I took the picture which gives it the darker ring. 

My Favorite 6 shots were all pretty unique some more then others. The reason chose the ones I did where because they each had a unique feel to them and I liked the way they turned out after editing them.

Sep 9, 2014

My Summer

I had a very eventful summer. Some of the most exciting I did was travel. I traveled all over the pacific north west. My family drove down to southern Oregon in the picture above. During our stay there was a fire that clouded the lake we were staying on. This is a picture of the lake we were staying on as the sun was setting.

During the very beginning of my summer I also went skiing up at Mount Bachelor. This is a photo of The Three Sisters, Hope, Faith and Charity from Mount Bachelor.