Dec 11, 2014

Project 4 Balance and Contrast

This is my favorite triptych I made. I like how all of the picture have a subtle difference but they all similar. I took this picture by having a 2-3 second exposure to get the movement of his head. I got Nigle to move his head by holding a peace of food and moving it up and down.

This picture I think is one of the more interesting group of photos I took in the last few weeks. I just took a picture of each utensil and then edited one and copied the settings and added it to the rest to create an interesting similar group of pictures.

Contrast in Texture
The chain and the ground contrast in texture. I also like how the chains color and the ground contrast in color.

The car is symmetrical. The lights all match on both sides and the car is in the very center of picture. 

 Radial Balance
The ripples in the water ripple out of the center where the duck are and radiat out.

 Contrast in Texture
This photo also contrast in texture between the close up of the concrete and the steeps in the background.

This diptych isn't as conventional its two photo of birds that I think contrast in color well and the close up verses the bugs eye gives the diptych an interesting feel.

This is my favorite of the two diptych that I have I like how it looks like one photo that is cut in half but is actually two completely different photos that flow really well together.
This kaleidoscope is a photo of a poster that had interesting look. I really like the plus pattern it makes in the middle I think it works really well.

This is my favorite of the three kaleidoscopes it is a photo of a carpet that had interesting colors and a cool pattern. I think the pattern really makes it look like a real kaleidoscope.

This kaleidoscopes is a little different than the other two. Its a photo of the skyline at dusk that I had a 5 second exposure and waved the camera around to give the light a spiral look. I also put 16 pictures down instead of just 4.

Dec 1, 2014

Examples of Balance and Contrast

Contrast in Texture By Jill Missner
The building and the sky are contrasting in texture

Contrast in Color By Cassandra Warner and Jeremy Floto
The paint and the background contrast each other 

Contrast and in Size By Cocu Liu
The man and the ball thing are contrasting in size

Symmetry and Balance by Camila Carlow
The two branches of the plant are symmetric 

Radial Balance by S.Morita 
The manhole crates radial balance with the blue circles in it