Oct 24, 2014

Project 2 Framing and Composition

Close Up 
I chose this picture because I think the colors are interesting, they give it  nice effect. I also really liked the glare on the lens from the sun I thought it made the spider really glow.

Birds Eye 
This was one of my favorite pictures. I desaturated it, originally it was a little too colorful. I also thought the desaturation gave it more of a grim effect which made the picture have personality.

Filling the Frame 
The reason chose this one is because I thought the fruit where pretty and had a nice order to them. I also really liked the intense contrast of the stem and the blood red.  

Frame within a Frame 
This was looking through the side railing on the St.Johns bridge back at Portland. I darkened the inside of the circle so it was clearer to see the city. I also liked the dirty circle it gave the picture the effect of being old.

Leading Lines 
This is also one of my favorites, its pretty simple but thats what I like about it. I also like how the beams lead to big post.  

This picture I edited a little more than the others, I desaturated it and to make things interesting changed the hue of the blue to more of a pink/purple so now it has a different take on then the others.

Bugs Eye 
This one is a little simpler then most. Its the down tube on my dads bike, all I did was lower the exposure a little bit and turn it black and white I think it came out well. 

Rule of Thirds 
This is my favorite of them all, it's a picture of the three sisters in southern Oregon. I took the picture into photoshop and split the picture into 6 different pieces then desaturated each one by 20 starting at 120. The picture starts over saturated and as it goes across it gets less saturated.

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