Sep 28, 2014


I liked this one because the depth of field was pretty small and I also really liked the glass up above it. I didn't edit it to much just darkened it a little to make it feel more intense. 

This was one of my favorites I like how the rope/chain isn't in the center but its still in focus it makes you think about it more I also like the theater in the background. I didn't edit to much just a little cropping and darkening.

This one is very similar to the one above I also liked the depth of field on it. I also liked the green plants at the end it gave it some color which made it more interesting. I didn't edit this one that much I darkened it and increased the contrast a little. 

This is probably my favorite I like how simple it is and I also really like all the symmetry of the shapes its cool looking. All I edited on this one was cropping and a little lightening because originally the photo was a little under exposed.     

This photo I think is interesting because you can see both the front and the side and it is very vibrant and awake. I edited this one the most out of all of them I cropped added vibrancy and intensified the blue just to give it that extra spunk.

This one I think is very simple which is why I like it, its just plain and interesting. It also looks very urban and a little run down which makes you think about what its history may of been like. I didnt edit this one to much I had an effect on when I took the picture which gives it the darker ring. 

My Favorite 6 shots were all pretty unique some more then others. The reason chose the ones I did where because they each had a unique feel to them and I liked the way they turned out after editing them.

Sep 9, 2014

My Summer

I had a very eventful summer. Some of the most exciting I did was travel. I traveled all over the pacific north west. My family drove down to southern Oregon in the picture above. During our stay there was a fire that clouded the lake we were staying on. This is a picture of the lake we were staying on as the sun was setting.

During the very beginning of my summer I also went skiing up at Mount Bachelor. This is a photo of The Three Sisters, Hope, Faith and Charity from Mount Bachelor.